Are We Having Fun Yet?
Are We Having Fun Yet? or How Free do you Wanna Be? A work initially perceived as a slideshow accompanied with music.
Are We Having Fun Yet? or How Free do you Wanna Be? is a record of a period of time in which the chaos was the driving force. The images have changed over the years, swapped out and added to as I scan my archive and find new connections and stories.
The two questions have merged together, forming the base on which I build a clean and sober life. Yes it was fun, until it wasn’t, so how free do I want to be today?
Are We Having Fun Yet? or How Free do you Wanna Be? is a record of a period of time in which the chaos was the driving force. The images have changed over the years, swapped out and added to as I scan my archive and find new connections and stories.
The two questions have merged together, forming the base on which I build a clean and sober life. Yes it was fun, until it wasn’t, so how free do I want to be today?